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Bugs & Butterflies UK

Chinese Moon Moth | Actias ningpoana EGGS

Chinese Moon Moth | Actias ningpoana EGGS

Regular price £14.50 GBP
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Actias ningpoana, commonly known as the Chinese moon moth, is a species of silk moth native to China and parts of East Asia. This large moth is recognized for its pale green wings with eye-like spots and long, graceful tails extending from the hindwings, similar to other members of the genus Actias. These tails are thought to help confuse predators, such as bats, by interfering with echolocation.

With a wingspan of up to 15 cm, females are slightly larger than males, though males have more prominent, feathery antennae for detecting pheromones. The caterpillars feed on a variety of host plants, including willow, walnut, and sweetgum, accumulating energy reserves for metamorphosis. Adults, like most silk moths, do not feed due to their lack of functional mouthparts and live only a few days, during which their primary goal is reproduction.

Host plants: Eucalyptus, Laurels, Birch, Alder, Willow, Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Plum, Sweet Gum. Multiple others reported.

Difficulty: Easy (1/10)

Temperature: Room temperature.

Lifecycle: up to four broods annually; cocoons can hibernate during cool/dry weather.

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