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Erato Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius erato) | PUPAE

Erato Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius erato) | PUPAE

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Heliconius erato, commonly known as the Erato Longwing or Small Postman, is a striking species belonging to the sub-family Heliconidae of the huge Nymphalidae family. This butterfly is well-known for its mimicry - a vibrant red and black color pattern with dozens of different forms - and is found in Central and South America, particularly from Mexico to Brazil. Throughout its range, H. erato is sympatric with H. melpomene, mimetic of its multiple colour forms which are geographically varied. The two species co-evolved to resemble each other, gainging an advantage as they are both toxic or distasteful due to chemicals obtained from their Passionvine host plants. This means that a predator would only need to try eating one individual of one of these species to learn that they taste foul, benefitting both species with a lower incidence of predation of red butterflies. The mimicry is so strong in these butterflies that it takes a keen eye to distinguish the two from each other!

Heliconius erato is a medium-sized butterfly, with a wingspan of about 5-7cm, but a narrower wing depth than melpomene, and their bright coloration is involved in mate selection by the female butterflies. The males are known for their territorial behavior, defending feeding spots and areas where they can find mates. The butterfly has distinctive and eye-catching coloration that varies across its subspecies - which are capable of interbreeding to produce mixed colour forms - these are stunning and a lot of fun to breed in a greenhouse or similar setup! 

The butterflies are often observed feeding on nectar from a wide variety of flowers in the butterfly house, but field reports indicate that Lantana is a favourite of the Small Postman. This is likely due to its richness in both nectar and pollen. The ability of Heliconius to digest pollen means their lifespan extends to several months (often six months or more in captivity), much longer than other species which only feed on nectar. Breeding occurs easily and eggs are laid in humid, shady spots on the leaves and stems of Passiflora, with P. citrina being a favourite. Passiflora caerulea is also readily used as a host plant in the butterfly house. 

Host plants: Passionvines (Passiflora)

Difficulty: Easy (2/10)

Conditions: Warm room temperature & high humidity.

Lifecycle: Continually brooded; adults are very long-lived. 

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