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Bugs & Butterflies UK

Rothschild's Atlas Moth (Rothschildia arethusa) | EGGS

Rothschild's Atlas Moth (Rothschildia arethusa) | EGGS

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Rothschildia arethusa is an attractive, mid-sized Silkmoth from Central America. The moth itself is coloured with rich shades of brown, however the caterpillar is arguably the most notable stage of this species - it is striped with bright orange and black! They are easy to rear on host plants like Privet and Lilac. Cocoons will emerge after a few weeks if conditions are optimal, or can go into dormancy for several months.

Adult Rothschildia arethusa moths are large, with a wingspan ranging from 100 to 140 mm. Their wings are marked by a rich blend of earthy tones, including reddish-brown, cream, and hints of pink or yellow. A distinctive feature is the large, translucent "windows" or hyaline patches on their wings, which are bordered by intricate patterns of black and white. Rothschildia arethusa is nocturnal and, like many silk moths, does not feed as an adult. Its primary purpose in this stage is reproduction. Adults emerge from their cocoons during the breeding season, with males actively seeking out females by following pheromones.

Difficulty - Easy (2/10)

Host plants - Privet; Lilac; Ivy; Sweet Gum

Conditions - Room temperature or slightly warmer

Lifecycle - Continually brooded but capable of diapause

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