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Bugs & Butterflies UK

Red Flame Butterfly (Dryas julia) | EGGS

Red Flame Butterfly (Dryas julia) | EGGS

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Dryas julia, commonly known as the Julia butterfly or Red Flame, is a striking species in the Nymphalidae family. Its vibrant orange wings, edged with dark brown, are a hallmark of its elegant appearance. Found in tropical and subtropical regions, the butterfly ranges from South America to the southern United States, thriving in sunny habitats like gardens, and forest edges.

Very easy to breed in captivity, the Julia butterfly’s lifecycle begins with eggs laid on passionflower vines (Passiflora), which serve as the sole food source for its spiny black-and-orange caterpillars. These larvae gain chemical defenses from the plants, deterring predators. After pupating in camouflaged chrysalises that resemble dead leaves, adults emerge around two weeks later and have a swift, direct flight pattern and a preference for nectar from brightly colored flowers like lantanas and zinnias. They also "puddle," extracting essential minerals from damp soil, gravel, or the edge of water bodies. Although not currently threatened, they rely on healthy ecosystems to thrive. Their vibrant colors and dynamic behaviors make them a favorite in butterfly gardens.

Host plants: Passionvine (Passiflora)

Difficulty: Easy (1/10) in all stages.

Conditions: Warm room temperature; pupae require high humidity.

Lifecycle: Continually brooded with adults living for months.

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