Bugs & Butterflies UK
Giant Orange-Tip Butterfly | Hebomoia glaucippe PUPAE
Giant Orange-Tip Butterfly | Hebomoia glaucippe PUPAE
The Giant Orange Tip, Hebomoia glaucippe (Linnaeus, 1758), is related to our own Orange Tip, Yellow, and White Butterflies - they are all in the family Pieridae - however it is much larger and both sexes have orange colouration, rather than just the male in European butterflies. The Giant Orange Tip is native to most of south and southeast Asia, and has 28 recognised subspecies across its range. It remains roughly the same in appearance throughout, however one subspecies (ssp. vossi) has fully yellow wings where they would typically be white. The underside of the wings are mottled brown, giving the appearance of a dead leaf - an excellent camoflague when the wings are closed and the butterfly is at rest. Fruit and/or nectar solution are ideal foods for these butterflies. They are known to breed using plants such as Crataeva and Capparis in nature, however in captivity also breed very successfully on Spider Flower, Cleome spinosa.