Iphiclides podalirius EGGS

from £14.50
  • Host plants: Plum, Pear, Peach, Blackthorn

  • Difficulty: Easy to rear (1/10) but breeding is challenging

  • Temperature: Room temp. for rearing; adult butterflies need warmth to breed

  • Lifecycle: Two broods per year; pupae overwinter

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  • Host plants: Plum, Pear, Peach, Blackthorn

  • Difficulty: Easy to rear (1/10) but breeding is challenging

  • Temperature: Room temp. for rearing; adult butterflies need warmth to breed

  • Lifecycle: Two broods per year; pupae overwinter

  • Host plants: Plum, Pear, Peach, Blackthorn

  • Difficulty: Easy to rear (1/10) but breeding is challenging

  • Temperature: Room temp. for rearing; adult butterflies need warmth to breed

  • Lifecycle: Two broods per year; pupae overwinter

Iphiclides podalirius, commonly known as the Scarce Swallowtail butterfly, is a striking butterfly species native to Europe and Asia. This butterfly, belonging to the Papilionidae family, is renowned for its elegance and beauty. It boasts a wingspan of about 7-8cm, with distinctive yellow-white wings adorned with black stripes and blue spots near the margins. Its larvae feed on various deciduous trees, including stone fruit trees (e.g. Cherry, Plum, Peach, Apricot), others like Pear, Buckthorn and Hawthorn - in central Europe caterpillars are most commonly found on Buckthorn (Prunus spinosa).