About the business

Bugs & Butterflies UK was founded by the director, Stuart, originally as a very small outlet for his surplus livestock called ‘Stuart’s Butterflies.’ Quickly, it was clear that there was a large customer base interested in the insect-rearing hobby and the site grew to become a business supplying dozens of species of butterfly, moth, insects and amphibians.

Stuart’s passion began as a very small child, and he has followed this throughout his life - now working full time as an insect breeder with two decades of experience. Currently, the business consists of a network of breeders and suppliers, as well as greenhouse facilities for on-site breeding. In the near future, we hope to move to a permanent site where eggs, caterpillars and pupae can be produced continually throughout the year.

Our customers are a diverse group of hobbyists, enthusiasts, collectors, educators and academic institutions, as well as various zoos and butterfly houses around the UK and Europe.