Hyles euphorbiae EGGS

from £9.50
  • Host plants: Euphorbia (many different species)

  • Difficulty: Easy (2/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: multiple broods per year; migratory adults; pupae capable of diapause during cool periods

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  • Host plants: Euphorbia (many different species)

  • Difficulty: Easy (2/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: multiple broods per year; migratory adults; pupae capable of diapause during cool periods

  • Host plants: Euphorbia (many different species)

  • Difficulty: Easy (2/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: multiple broods per year; migratory adults; pupae capable of diapause during cool periods

Hyles euphorbiae, commonly known as the Spurge Hawk-Moth, is typically found in Central and Southern Europe, but is also a rare migrant to the UK. This species enjoys sunny, dry habitats and is often encountered around beaches where its host plants grow. As it is not a resident native species, these should not be released. The adults are very attractive, with colours in shades of green, pink, brown, etc. Caterpillars grow quickly and have fantastic colours and patterns (search on google to see for yourself!) and are very easy to rear on pretty much any Spurge plants (Euphorbia species).