Eupackardia calleta EGGS

from £14.50

Emergence is unpredictable, so availability for eggs could be any time between April and October. Eupackardia calleta, commonly referred to as the Calleta Silkmoth, is a visually captivating moth species native to the southwestern United States, into Mexico and Guatemala. This line is from the southern race, distinct from northern animals in terms of appearance of both adults and larvae, but also in terms of activity - northern moths fly by day, whilst southern moths are nocturnal, essentially making breeding between the two impossible. This suggests at least two different species, rather than one, so I expect this will be split by taxonomists in the future. This species enjoys dry conditions, so rearing in mesh cages from L2 is a good idea. Caterpillars feed on plants such as: Privet, Lilac, and Ash.

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Emergence is unpredictable, so availability for eggs could be any time between April and October. Eupackardia calleta, commonly referred to as the Calleta Silkmoth, is a visually captivating moth species native to the southwestern United States, into Mexico and Guatemala. This line is from the southern race, distinct from northern animals in terms of appearance of both adults and larvae, but also in terms of activity - northern moths fly by day, whilst southern moths are nocturnal, essentially making breeding between the two impossible. This suggests at least two different species, rather than one, so I expect this will be split by taxonomists in the future. This species enjoys dry conditions, so rearing in mesh cages from L2 is a good idea. Caterpillars feed on plants such as: Privet, Lilac, and Ash.

Emergence is unpredictable, so availability for eggs could be any time between April and October. Eupackardia calleta, commonly referred to as the Calleta Silkmoth, is a visually captivating moth species native to the southwestern United States, into Mexico and Guatemala. This line is from the southern race, distinct from northern animals in terms of appearance of both adults and larvae, but also in terms of activity - northern moths fly by day, whilst southern moths are nocturnal, essentially making breeding between the two impossible. This suggests at least two different species, rather than one, so I expect this will be split by taxonomists in the future. This species enjoys dry conditions, so rearing in mesh cages from L2 is a good idea. Caterpillars feed on plants such as: Privet, Lilac, and Ash.