Byasa alcinous EGGS

from £9.50
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  • Host plants: Pipevine (Aristolochia), many different species

  • Difficulty: Easy (1/10) but caterpillars eat a lot!

  • Temperature: Room temp; butterflies enjoy sunshine

  • Lifecycle: Several broods over spring and summer; autumn pupae overwinter

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  • Host plants: Pipevine (Aristolochia), many different species

  • Difficulty: Easy (1/10) but caterpillars eat a lot!

  • Temperature: Room temp; butterflies enjoy sunshine

  • Lifecycle: Several broods over spring and summer; autumn pupae overwinter

  • Host plants: Pipevine (Aristolochia), many different species

  • Difficulty: Easy (1/10) but caterpillars eat a lot!

  • Temperature: Room temp; butterflies enjoy sunshine

  • Lifecycle: Several broods over spring and summer; autumn pupae overwinter

Chinese Windmill butterfly, found in China but also Japan and the Near East. This stock is of mixed origin and very healthy. Males and females look quite different, with females having a grey base colour and males being predominantly black.

Larvae feed on many plants in the Pipevine family, they eat a lot but are very easy to look after in all stages. Yellow-coloured pupae typically emerge in about 3 weeks, while grey pupae tend to overwinter and emerge the following spring. 2-4 generations per year are possible, depending on local conditions such as temperature.