Actias laovieta EGGS

from £24.50
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  • Host plants: Pine?

  • Difficulty: Unknown

  • Temperature: Room temp., probably enjoys cool conditions

  • Lifecycle: believed to be continually brooded but can probably go into diapause

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  • Host plants: Pine?

  • Difficulty: Unknown

  • Temperature: Room temp., probably enjoys cool conditions

  • Lifecycle: believed to be continually brooded but can probably go into diapause

  • Host plants: Pine?

  • Difficulty: Unknown

  • Temperature: Room temp., probably enjoys cool conditions

  • Lifecycle: believed to be continually brooded but can probably go into diapause

This species has likely never been reared outside of its native range before. Actias laovieta, looks very similar to the Indian moon moth, a beautiful species of Silkmoth found in Laos and Vietnam. Like selene, laovieta has a wingspan up to 20cm, with distinct traits such as long, curving tails on its hindwings and pink hues. Its caterpillars are equally fascinating, beginning bright red, then changing to green as they mature. Caterpillars are very easy to rear, accepting a wide range of host plants: Hawthorn, Willow, Birch, Cherry, Laurels, Eucalyptus - and many others!