Citheronia bellavista EGGS

from £14.50
  • Host plants: Privet, Cherry, Sumac, Sweetgum. Multiple others reported.

  • Difficulty: Straightforward (3/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: continually brooded; pupae diapause in cold weather

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  • Host plants: Privet, Cherry, Sumac, Sweetgum. Multiple others reported.

  • Difficulty: Straightforward (3/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: continually brooded; pupae diapause in cold weather

  • Host plants: Privet, Cherry, Sumac, Sweetgum. Multiple others reported.

  • Difficulty: Straightforward (3/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or warmer

  • Lifecycle: continually brooded; pupae diapause in cold weather

A spectacular ‘Regal Moth’ from Central America, related to the North American splendens. These are really easy to rear, larvae grow to about 12cm in length (about 5 inches) and only take four weeks from eggs hatching to pupation.

Many host plants are suitable for bellavista, including Sweetgum, Walnut, Sumac, Ash, and Cherry. Privet is gladly accepted and produces excellent results, meaning year-round breeding is possible.

Pupae emerge after about a month, and pairings occur naturally. They are much easier to breed than regalis. The whole lifecycle is therefore complete in 8-10 weeks.