SUMMER: Automeris metzli COCOONS

from £17.50
  • Host plants: Oak, Willow, Raspberry, Bramble

  • Difficulty: Straightforward (3/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp.

  • Lifecycle: Continually brooded; cocoons can diapause

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This is a species of Giant Silkmoth (Saturniid) moth found in Central and South America. Like other members of the Automeris genus, this moth is known for its striking appearance, including eye-like patterns on its wings. It is much bigger than many related species, wingspan can be between 8 and 14cm, depending on geographical origin. Caterpillars are brightly coloured but covered with stinging spines, so are best not handled, but are otherwise very easy to rear on hosts like Oak, Willow, Sweetgum, Raspberry, Bramble (useful in winter). Typically continually brooded with three or four generations per year.