MAY/JUNE: Garden Tiger Moth EGGS

from £8.50

Arctia caja, commonly known as the Garden Tiger Moth, is a striking and very recognizable species of moth belonging to the family Erebidae. It is found in various parts of Europe, North America, and Asia and is known for its distinctive, colourful appearance. Caterpillars are commonly known as Woolly Bears due to their fluffy appearance, and accept a very wide range of host plants: Privet, Willow, Dandilion, Rhubard, Nettles, Dock, and pretty much anything else on offer! I have even seen these reared on supermarket cabbage and lettuce. After about 6 weeks, caterpillars spin loose silk cocoons and form a pupa inside. The adult moth emerges only 2 weeks later, breeding easily and producing masses of tiny green eggs. Once common, this moth is now increasingly scarce - these can be released at any stage to help your local population.

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