SUMMER: Snowflake Whites Tree Frog TADPOLES

from £54.50

Breeding is expected in the spring and/or summer. The breeding group consists of high snowflake, blue, and melanoid individuals, so these tadpoles may produce a variety of morphs! Many of these colour forms are very new to the hobby in the UK. White’s Tree Frogs (White, 1790), often incorrectly called White Tree Frogs, are large arboreal frogs native to NE Australia and southern New Guinea, named after the Irish naturalist John White. They inhabit a wide variety of environments across their range, however prefer wet tropical climates most of all. Adult frogs can reach 10-12cm in length, and are very docile, spending most of the day in the same spot, often basking in the heat. Active mainly at night, these frogs will eat almost anything that fits in their mouth, but typical foods like Crickets, Locusts, Earthworms form a nutritious staple diet.

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