MAY: Sphinx ligustri EGGS

from £8.50
  • Host plants: Privet, Lilac, Ash

  • Difficulty: Easy (1/10)

  • Temperature: Room temp. or outside

  • Lifecycle: single brood; pupae overwinter

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The Privet Hawk Moth, Sphinx ligustri (Linnaeus, 1758), is a fairly large species of Sphinx Moth (Sphingiidae) native to much of the Palearctic region - including most of Eurasia. It is often found in the UK, with adult moths producing a single brood in late spring or early summer. Caterpillars are typically encountered in Privet hedges, feeding on leaves, however will also accept other related plants like Lilac and Ash. They are very easy to rear, reaching up to 10cm in length, producing smooth pupae underground. These pupae naturally go into diapause, a period of dormancy, which is broken by a period of cold storage (ideally at least 3 months). The moths then emerge the following spring in response to increasing temperature and day length. If you are in the UK or Northern Europe, you can release these in your area - or you may wish to breed them, which occurs easily in a standard 60cm mesh enclosure. Eggs are laid prolifically on host plants and the sides of the enclosures. Following the care guides available on this site will ensure best results!