JUL/AUG: Daphnis nerii EGGS

from £11.50

The Oleander Hawk-Moth, Daphnis nerii, is famed for its beautiful green camouflague patterning, and both its Latin and common name refer to the species’ favoured host plant, Oleander (Nerium oleander). It occurs across warm and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, often spreading northwards in the warmer summer months and very rarely arriving in the UK as a migrant! Periwinkle and Privet are equally acceptable to caterpillars, which grow quickly and resemble cartoonish snakes, either green or orange in colour.

Difficulty - Easy (2/10)

Host plants - Oleander; Periwinkle; Privet

Temperature - Room temp. or slightly warmer

Lifecycle - Continually brooded and semi-migratory in nature

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The Oleander Hawk-Moth, Daphnis nerii, is famed for its beautiful green camouflague patterning, and both its Latin and common name refer to the species’ favoured host plant, Oleander (Nerium oleander). It occurs across warm and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, often spreading northwards in the warmer summer months and very rarely arriving in the UK as a migrant! Periwinkle and Privet are equally acceptable to caterpillars, which grow quickly and resemble cartoonish snakes, either green or orange in colour.

Difficulty - Easy (2/10)

Host plants - Oleander; Periwinkle; Privet

Temperature - Room temp. or slightly warmer

Lifecycle - Continually brooded and semi-migratory in nature

The Oleander Hawk-Moth, Daphnis nerii, is famed for its beautiful green camouflague patterning, and both its Latin and common name refer to the species’ favoured host plant, Oleander (Nerium oleander). It occurs across warm and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, often spreading northwards in the warmer summer months and very rarely arriving in the UK as a migrant! Periwinkle and Privet are equally acceptable to caterpillars, which grow quickly and resemble cartoonish snakes, either green or orange in colour.

Difficulty - Easy (2/10)

Host plants - Oleander; Periwinkle; Privet

Temperature - Room temp. or slightly warmer

Lifecycle - Continually brooded and semi-migratory in nature